Monday, April 25, 2011

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

I believe it was back in 2004 when I first heard the quote from John Maxwell: " Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less". This thought takes us to the Law of Influence. I am sure you are familiar with instances in your life when you met individuals and organizations who believed leadership was associated with a position or a title.  The world has been filled with sad stories where power was the only element that drove what it was so-called leadership. Gladly, we have also been blessed by great examples of what true leadership is, individuals who drove their leadership with their influence. Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Ronald Reagan, Billy Graham, among others. They represented Leadership and Influence as a function of their own example and lifestyle. During the 80s,  there was an escalating myth referring leadership as the same as management. Management is more about knowing what to do, getting the job done, taking a project to its completion. Managers have played an important role in the evolution of all industries. Managers are critical in any organization. I believe the world needs great managers.
Also, I strongly believe the world needs Great Leaders. When talking about true Leadership, it takes a different skill sets, it's about influencing others on what to do.  Leaders lead by example, they are often the ones upfront, showing the way, knowing the way, and not getting there alone. True leaders get to the top in the company of others, otherwise, if no one is with them, they are just having a walk.
I remember a time where I was not happy about my performance. My team was not delivering the results I needed. I naturally started blaming others and complaining about my team, I was sharing my frustrations with a leader, in regards to my team. Their lack of commitment. Being tired of asking and telling them the things they were supposed to do. Their apathy had taken me to a horrible state of mind and I was at a point of almost quitting my business. Then, I was prompted with some powerful questions: " Who is their leader?  Who is influencing them? What is the greatest and closest example they can follow? So goes the leader, so goes the pack.
At our discussions about this law, there was a discovery that struck me. I must admit that for years, I have been striving to influence those in my team, paying most attention to my organization and peers, and not so much in being an influence to myself and to those leading me.
Our facilitator asked us to draw a circle, writing down 5 arrows, one South, referring to those we lead, arrows to left and right, that is West and East, representing our peers and colleagues. An arrow up North, that is our leaders or Up Lines,  and another arrow circling the middle, which is us.
I came to the conclusion that my ability to lead others is a direct function of leading up and leading self. I am asking you:
How well are you leading you? How are you leading up? How would you rate your ability to influence those above you?
How would you rate yourself in your ability to influence your Up Line, your supervisor, your leaders?
" The first person you lead is you" John Maxwell

Monday, April 18, 2011

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

The area of Leadership has become one of my favorite subjects during the past three decades of my life. I have been blessed by great leadership around me, being surrounded by role models like my parents, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, school professors, Sunday school teachers and many other mentors from different walks of life.  Given the ongoing and fast pace changes in the world, more organizations and individuals are increasing their level of awareness in this critical area.  Today, more than ever, success is a function of leadership. As Dr. John C. Maxwell says: 'Everything rises and fall on leadership".  I have read and researched many books in this subject and have become a student of leadership. One of my favorite gurus in this area is John Maxwell. He has written many books about how to be an effective leader and more importantly, how to develop those around you. He has sold more than 19 million copies in multiple languages and has been an influence in equipping and multiplying leaders around the globe . Over a month ago, I started a journey of learning more about the Maxwell philosophy and we are currently discussing about his 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.
As I keep discovering more truths in this subject, I am also learning how to live the laws and how to lead others to these laws.
The first one we have studied is the Law of the Lid. It states that "Leadership ability determines a person's level of effectiveness". Maxwell establishes that the level of our organization or business cannot be higher than our level of leadership. Let's say that on the scale from 1 to 10, I rate myself on a level 5 in my leadership ability, that determines my lid. Meaning that my organization or team, will not grow or go beyond a level 4. It always stops 1 level below my leadership ability. If I want to increase my results to a level 7, my ability to lead needs to go to a level 8.  This law requires me to raise my level of effectiveness in leading others, before expecting better results.
Are you finding yourself stuck in your ability to help your team grow to a higher level?
Do you want more from your team? Feeling frustrated by not achieving the levels of performance and results you have established at the beginning of the year?
Whether I like it or not, or, whether I believe or not in this law, it's a law. Just like the law of gravity, if a jump from an airplane, I am going to fall.
Our accomplishments are a direct function of our ability to lead others.
How can we raise our level of leadership, how can we move our lid up?
Reflect each day, spend time with self as part of your daily discipline, evaluating past experiences and asking yourself: How could I have done it better?.
What do I need to "stop doing"? What do I need to "start doing" ?
Surround yourself with people stronger than you. Be part of a Mastermind Group. If you find yourself as the smartest and strongest person in your current group, you need to go and find another group.
Do you want to increase your level of leadership and enjoy greater results and influence?
Do your research, find a mentor and hire the right coach. It's time to invest in YOU.
At the end of the day, the first person you lead, is You! Think about it...