I know what you're thinking. You may be wondering and asking what happened with my experience at the 'Unleash the Power Within' Seminar with Anthony Robbins, this past weekend? My wife Silvana and I were blessed by achieving another element from our 'Bucket List', as part of our journey of personal growth. A live event with Tony Robbins. OMG.
Talk about recession and down economy? Recession what? I invite you to think for a moment about how we all perceive things and events in our lives, even when they are not real. Where do we focus our thoughts and actions? As we were driving towards Fort Lauderdale and remembering our past experiences with many events and logistics, we asked ourselves questions like, What would this event look like? Given the challenges with the economy and registration going from $595 up to almost $3,000 per person, how many people will really show up?
As we were making our way to find a space in the multiple levels at the parking lot, running to the registration tables and barely finding a seat in the main ballroom, our eyes were amazed witnessing the spectacle of more than 4,000 people and 300+ volunteers, congregated to meet with this high energy guru of self help and human potential called Anthony Robbins. A full house from 15+ countries, multiple languages and a room packed with contagious energy and anticipation, what an experience. My mind went back in time and I remembered the early 80s, when I was attending College, single, soul-searching for my biggest dreams, building my 'blueprint' of life and looking for more successful role models to follow. In that process, I started hearing about this innovative young man, nicely dressed, filled with confidence, holding seminars, conducting power talks and inviting people to walk on fire at the end of his events. I need to confess that even though it got my attention, my mind was also telling me it all sound like a gimmick, or, just simply massive 'brain wash' for the multitudes. It was pure personal judgment, without enough evidence. After 30 years of becoming a student of personal growth and self help tools, whether you and I totally agree or not with everything he says, I have learned that Tony Robbin's success is a product of his focused daily self-discipline, strong determination and passion for helping people. I was amazed not only by his incredible high level of energy, his structured and well-organized systems, also, I was impressed by his 'down to earth' attitude and on-going genuine smile from stage. Day 1 was a 'non-stop' marathon of more than 9 hours of pure adrenaline, role playing, body movements, exercises, group dynamics with visuals, music and tons of lessons to be personally learned and applied to my life. It was stimulation at its best. I am now going through the many pages of personal notes I took, the powerful statements that triggered my mind and my emotions. But it was when I was walking through the booths displaying the many products and tools to better our lives, that I saw a T- Shirt with a statement that made me stop and got my full attention:
" Your Life starts at the end of your Comfort Zone"
Shocking. A strong 'wake up call'. My 'eyes were opened' to reflect about past & current events in my life and since, I have been asking myself: Are you too comfortable now ? Are you actually feeling uncomfortable doing new and different things? What kind of life do YOU really want?
Decisions shape our Destiny. I respectfully ask you:
What decisions are you making today, to shape your destiny?
Are your decisions provoking some uncomfortable feelings?
The Good news: If so, You may be starting the best years of your Real Life. 'See you' soon
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