Monday, January 31, 2011

You don't need to get it right, you just need to get it going...

Hi friends, last week we talked about the power of doing just one thing. I just earned my certification and credentials as a Life Coach, to continue my journey as a student in this area. The Master Coach instructor was helping the class to deal with something that got my attention. Many individuals do a good job on defining and stating their goals in life, let's say, their health and wellness goals for this particular year. Many of us, including my case in particular, are very inclined to start an activity, only when every single aspect is ready. My perfectionism, or, my willingness to do things right, flawlessly & perfect, makes me spend a lot of time planning, thinking, analyzing and more. I go through the list and check everything I need: the proper attire for exercising, not just any sports attire, I want the best one, with the best quality, color and fit. The gym, I would carefully do my research with friends and on-line to find out the best wellness center: location, the contract, the fine letters, equipment and of course, opinions from others . Nothing wrong with this, the fact of the matter is: When will I actually start exercising? As our class was writing our mission statements for the next 12 months and our action plans for the next 30 days, many of us struggled on how to get everything right and perfect, before getting into the activities. She smiled and gently expressed a very powerful statement: ' You don't need to get things right, you just need to get it going' . I invite you to pause for a moment and think about what would this mean to you today? What would that one thing you haven't done yet, because you want it right ?. This morning, my lovely and patient wife just reminded me that the world will not pay me for what I know, it will, for what I do. I want to share with you that I am indeed starting to act now and getting things going today, even if they are not perfect and be at peace with it. I encourage you to choose one thing now and get it going today. See you next week...

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